Radio Blah Blah
This was one of the most randomest windows of opportunity that fell into my lap last week.
My friend Johnny dropped me an online message to ask if I was up for a radio interview with one of the coolest newer stations around, Business FM (BFM 89.9), in less than 24 hours. I immediately said yes, then I had to send in relevant materials about myself so that the station could prepare relevant questions for the interview.
I was nervous as heck since I know what a rambler I can be, and how my spontaneity - or rather lack of it - tends to leave me with endless shoulda-woulda-couldas long after the moment is over. But Johnny, who tuned in to the broadcast, assured me that I did a good job. He's one of the frankest BS-free people I know, so I can trust the fella.
I'm always so humbled to know that people out there would be interested in what I have to say, about myself and what I do, and I hope I provided a decent self-representation to those who are not familiar with my work.
Here's the podcast:
Part 1
Part 2
Thanks loads to Freda, the gorgeous radio announcer who facilitated my interview. She handled my nerves superbly well, and I must give props to anyone who successfully handles MY nerves. They can become quite ridiculous.

It's always fun getting thrown into new experiences with an audience, it combines two of my greatest loves: learning and sharing. Thanks loads for listening.
Radio Davina! :D
Cool! :-) I hope to be able to experience that too, in my lifetime. :-D
Thank you for this effort
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